Environmental Violence & Reproductive Justice

At NYSHN a core area of our work is the impacts of environmental violence including extractive industries (i.e. mining, gas, oil, logging) to our sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice.

In addition to the front-line work we are involved in with several communities, the following are some of our current initiatives and resources:

Violence on the Land, Violence on our Bodies: Building an Indigenous Response to Environmental Violence

A partnership initiative between the Native Youth Sexual Health Network and Women’s Earth Alliance.

Summary: “Violence on the Land, Violence on our Bodies: Building an Indigenous Response to Environmental Violence” is a community-based research and advocacy project aimed at documenting the experiences of Indigenous women, youth and community members whose sexual and reproductive health and rights have been affected by gas and oil development, mining, and pesticides—something known as “environmental violence”. This initiative is a collaboration between the Native Youth Sexual Health Network (NYSHN) and Women’s Earth Alliance (WEA).


If you would like to offer your testimony, or other forms of knowledge or service to this initiative, or for more information, please contact us.

More responses to environmental violence and reproductive justice can be found in our STATEMENTS & PRESS RELEASES section.