NYSHN Network

We are the Native Youth Sexual Health Network: a grassroots network of indigenous youth and intergenerational relatives that works across issues around reproductive health, rights and justice.
We are youth led, but value the support of our intergenerational circles of relatives to do our work. Some of our areas of work include HIV/AIDS awareness, culturally safe sex education, #landback advocacy, Midwifery and Birth Justice, as well as Two-Spirit/Gender and Sexuality Education. Our network spans Turtle Island, creating space to engage with everything and anything that we know to affect our bodies, minds and spirits.
We often refer to each of our areas of work as a fire, and different folks in our network tend to different fires. We have a central fire, which the core team maintains (we do things like keeping the website running, connecting youth leaders with mentors and supports, and stewarding bigger projects) You can find out more about our core team here. The smaller fires represent different key areas of work which we are currently feeding and tending to (for example, the harm reduction fire is tended by folks throughout our nations, who dedicate their focus to gathering resources to sustain harm reduction fires and inviting relatives to collaborate on work). Sometimes, when our capacity or the interests of youth leaders shifts, a fire may go out -- sometimes temporarily, and sometimes for a long time. We acknowledge that this is within the teachings of many of our nations. Fires do not necessarily exist to be sustained forever, and we honour that every fire in our network’s work is governed by the youth leading it. We also encourage youth leaders to light new fires and create projects in their areas of interest! Click here to connect if you want to get involved.

Regional Fires
In addition to our central fire maintained by the core team, each of our regional teams also maintains a fire of support and relationality. Regional fires represent a hub of NYSHN youth leaders who are located geographically close to one another, and share resources and peer support in their work. People from all across Turtle Island collaborate on NYSHN work together, but regional teams will also work together on projects and issues specifically relating to their local communities or regions. Regional teams support new youth leaders in their communities to get involved with NYSHN.

All of these fires are supported by a network of aunties and mentors who support NYSHN youth leaders in a ton of different ways. Our aunties and mentors are the moons surrounding our fires and provide steady support to us! The aunties and mentors in our network drive us to places, help with our admin work, feed youth leaders after a long day of workshops, hook us up with connections to local public health units, and so much more!