Culture & Safer Sex Memes
Two of our areas of work at the Native Youth Sexual Health Network are culturally safe sexuality education and #MediaArtsJustice. To celebrate National Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week February 10-16th, 2013 we launched new internet memes. These memes are a fun, sex-positive way to share about sexual and reproductive health, our cultures and Indigenous youth-made media. Knowing our cultures and knowing our bodies can be fun and sexy! And in this case tasty!
Please feel free to share these memes or make your own based off of this idea. Read our blog on "Knowing Our Cultures, Knowing Our Bodies: Indigenous Youth Reclaiming Health, Rights, and Justice."
You can tag us on Facebook in your memes or on Twitter and instagram @NYSHN with hashtags #RespectYourself #ProtectYourself or #BeProudofYourCulture
Our #MediaArtsJustice continues! Download/print/share our other memes and images in our work. Also be sure to check out our Instagram for more photos!
Twitter chat on substance use, addiction, pregnancy, and parenting #SupportNotStigma #WeAreMoreThanAddiction
Decolonizing Sexual Assault Awareness Month - Indigenizing Responses to Colonial Gender Based Violence #DecolonizeSAAM