Staying Safe Online! - A Guide for Indigenous Youth

Your culturally safe guide to staying safe in all areas of the online world!

NYSHN's Staying Safe Online guide sitting on top of an orange kokkoum scarf. Beads, medicines, and eagle feathers are arranged around the guide.
NYSHN's Staying Safe Online guide sitting on top of a pile of evergreen tree branches.

About the Booklet

Staying Safe Online - A Guide for Indigenous Youth is available as both a free digital PDF and printed resource booklet. Each 48 page booklet is approximately 8.5x5.5 inches, and is available for purchase on a sliding scale through our resource order form. Indigenous youth are eligible for a free printed copy of Staying Safe Online, which you can also request at the form above. 

NYSHN's Staying Safe Online guide opened to a page on cyberbullying. Beads, medicines, an eagle feather, and an orange kokkoum scarf are also on the table.

About this Project

Staying Safe Online is a first step towards taking your internet safety into our own hands! Created by and for Indigenous youth, NYSHN’s internet safety guide is here to help you navigate the ever expanding world of the internet and social media. From cybersecurity to online dating and everything in between, this guide is full of helpful information, resources, and online safety exercises to help us have our own backs.

Page 19, Cyberbullying. Text boxes explaining what cyberbullying is and how to prevent it, and a cartoon of a person chatting online.

Example pages from Staying Safe Online!

Page 12, Creating community. An illustration of three people holding a medicine wheel flag and a text box explaining positive ways to connect online.
Page 8, Bringing Your Full Self. A cartoon of two people draped in a pride flag, above a text box affirming being yourself in online spaces.